I've tried everything to troubleshoot this problem and my ISP has been out to change lines and check things multiple times already but even when they sent one of their lead guys he said he doesn't really understand what pingplotter is trying to show in terms of the "routing" when I am telling them it is possibly in their network since they seem to be private IPs when I look them up between some of their nodes.

While I understand the ping doesn't matter except the final destination, there are very noticeable spikes in terms of the actual ranges which I feel HAVE to actually be impacting the end route, or at least seems very abnormal.

These types of spikes aren't really impacting general internet usage but would be a problem with online gaming which is my real issue.

Today they've switched out my own modem with one of their own just to prove that it wasn't my modem causing the problem and yet it still persisted, so it's clearly not just my stuff.

These spikes happen even when nothing is really being used in terms of bandwidth.

I really need some kind of guidance to how to go about troubleshooting this when my ISP cannot seem to even figure it out either.